Alex Howard Group

Thank you for downloading our free report

We sincerely hope you find it inspirational and informative

Download the Free Report

Our report has 3 components:

Part 1

Free Report: Solving The Puzzle

In the report you will learn:

  • Why no single cause of CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia has ever been found or ever is likely to be

  • Why CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia are very real physical illnesses, but ones that baffle so many medical experts

  • The reason why most traditional doctors, along with many "general practice" nutritionists and complementary therapists get very limited results with ME

  • Why many people doing apparently "miracle cure" treatments such as The Lightning Process tend to relapse

  • What treatments have ultimately be found to work, and how you may be able to begin to benefit from them

Part 2

Inspirational Documentary – Secrets to Recovery

Part 3

Our Founder and CEO Alex Howard's Recovery Story

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