Alex Howard Group

Our Team

Sarah Blondell

BSc (Hons) Biology & Psychology, MSc Clinical Pharmacology Dip.Clin.Hyp.NLP.Coach

Sarah has a long-standing interest in the mind-body connection, exploring this through her academic studies. Pursuing a career in pharmaceutical development, focused within Central Nervous System Disorders, it became clear to her that a purely pharmacological approach to illness provides a narrow opportunity for prevention of and healing from life limiting conditions.

In 2018, following hospitalisation with chronic lower back pain and sciatica, and suffering the side effects from prescribed medications, she embarked on looking for alternative approaches. This led to the OHC and the Therapeutic Coaching™ program. Sarah intuitively knew that it would be beneficial for her, given what she learnt was the trauma and maladaptive stress origin of her pain.

Once starting the program Sarah quickly became medication free, declined the option of surgery and continues to be able to pursue her active outdoor lifestyle pain-free. Sarah is passionate about supporting clients to connect with their emotions, in a way that enables them to lead their best life.

Our Team

 Jess Thompson
Clinical Director

Jess completed a psychology degree in 1995 followed by a PGCE in primary education and, after a 10 year career in teaching...

Alex Howard
Founder and Chairman

Alex Howard is Founder & Chairman of The Optimum Health Clinic, which he set up after his own 7 year struggle with ME...

Ana Bárbara Pereira

Ana Bárbara’s interest in integrative health and psychology began while dealing with her own chronic illness...

Bebe Kohlap
Practice Manager

Bebe entered into nutrition quite unexpectedly when she went to an open day at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, just to...

Charlotte Thomson

Charlotte initially trained as a musician and worked as a performer and teacher for several years before embarking on...

Claire Sehinson
Head of Research and Protocol Development

Claire is an educator, researcher and functional medicine trained nutritional therapist. Claire has over a decade of...

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Our Psychology Department

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