Alex Howard Group

Nutrition Team

Chief Executive

Kirsty worked within the executive recruitment industry for 10 years, operating at senior management level...

Head of Research and Protocol Development

Claire is an educator, researcher and functional medicine trained nutritional therapist. Claire has over a decade of...

Having worked in senior management roles in the fashion industry in her first career, a cancer diagnosis caused Sara...

Helen spent the first 15 years of her career in marketing and advertising where she held various senior management roles...

Lesley chose to study food and nutrition having suffered from ME as a teenager...

Sanna spent the first 10 years of her career in the financial industry enjoying the challenges of the corporate world...

Juliana has passion for nutrition and brings energy, tenacity and sharp clinical focus to her practice. Juliana has completed...

Martina's journey into the world of nutrition started after pursuing a career in logistics, where she discovered...

With a deep-rooted passion for nutrition that was nurtured from a young age, Jessica embarked on a journey that was inspired...

Nutrition and healthy living have always been a huge part of Julia’s life. She has used nutrition to overcome her own health...

After working in fashion for over a decade, a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diagnosis brought Jana to The Optimum Health Clinic...

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About The Optimum Health Clinic

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