Alex Howard Group is an international group of organisations which includes The Optimum Health Clinic, Conscious Life, the RESET Program, Therapeutic Coaching and Therapeutic Nutrition.
Dive into our research, stories and articles
Watch this video to uncover the surprising connections between anxiety and other habits and behaviours...
Stress is a powerful state. Although it manifests in the mind, it often makes its way through your body, causing all sorts of havoc. In fact, have you ever experienced...
Your trauma response is your superpower. After going through a traumatic event, it’s normal to develop a range of responses to survive the experience. Trauma responses are...
Burnout is a word that is thrown around a lot these days, but what does it mean, and what can you do about it? Furthermore, the reality of being on a recovery journey can also...
Most of us associate histamines with allergy symptoms, but did you know that the top symptom of a histamine intolerance is generalised anxiety? This is because histamines...
Navigating the twists and turns of your healing journey can trigger a rollercoaster of emotions. But do you struggle to navigate these feelings? Do you tend to suppress...
Are you feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed? It’s natural to be concerned about how these pressures impact your health. While stress isn’t always bad and is a normal part...
Curious about the invisible bond that may be influencing your relationships, and wondering why it brings both comfort and pain?
Can trauma change your personality? In this video, we explore whether your personality is who you really are or if it is a coping mechanism you learnt to survive childhood trauma..
Ever wondered why stress impacts your energy levels? In this video, OHC Founder Alex Howard explores the link between our nervous system and fatigue.
In this video, the founder of The Optimum Health Clinic, Alex Howard, delves into the importance of investigating the underlying cause of your symptoms to recover.
In this video, our CEO, Kirsty Cullen, and our clinical director, Jess Thompson, discuss how unaddressed trauma impacts our health and well-being, but healing is possible.
In this video, our CEO, Kirsty Cullen, and our clinical director, Jess Thompson, discuss why fatigue is not all in your mind, but also how understanding the role of psychology...